Friday, November 5, 2010

Hi I am back! And it has been so long that I forgot how to change the colors on my blog. text and borders. Can anyone help?


myrtle budge said...

Yea!!! I'm glad you're back. I'm horrible at the whole cute blog thing so I can't really help there. But Julie McHood is my go to person for that kind of stuff. You're awesome.

Tanya said...

Yay! Blogger changed their format for such things recently. You go to Design and then Template Designer to change your colors etc. If you have specific questions, e-mail or call me:) I'll send you an e-mail with my new info.

Jamee Hardy said...

Oh Marla and Tanya!!! I miss you guys! How are you?

Jamee Hardy said...

Tanya your awesome, thank you that was so easy! I was lost last night:)