Friday, June 27, 2008

My little quirks

I have been thinking that there are little things about me that people close to me don't even know. Like I have always wanted to be a pointe ballerina. Funny I know, but I am hoping that in Heaven I might be able to. Also I love lightening storms. My favorite place to sing is in my car, or shower. But who doesn't like to sing in their shower? I love flowers, but absolutely do not have a green thumb, so if I had a flower it would have to be self sufficient to survive. I think I have the ability to be really creative, but I am scared. If you were to sneek into my house while I was cleaning your bound to see me bust a move. I love the smell right before it rains. I absolutely hate cleaning out the fridge. When I go into Seagull book, or Deseret Book, or the Distribution Center I cry... and I have no idea why. I like almost all fruit except for apples...yuck! I am almost confident that if I kill a spider it's family is going to seek me out for revenge. I get severe anxiety on long car rides. I love theater, when I was in high school I was convinced that I could do something with it, but the last play that I did, after I was married...I felt silly. Although I would love to do a play again, and would love to be a voice for a cartoon character. I love peignoirs. If you don't know what that is it's a long pretty nightgown with lace on it, and a beautiful chiffon and lace robe to go over it. And I bought one for my upcoming anniversary. Also even if I don't seem like it I get attached to people who enter my life, but due to getting hurt to many times, I put up a wall. And with that wall I lose contact with people who made a really big impact in my life. Also I am very into heritage, and wanting to be like my grandmothers and great grandmothers. So, that's me.

1 comment:

Shay Lee said...

I actually think I knew a lot of those things. And I was wondering if you could take that wall down for me yet?
Love Ya!